the research team
Christine B. Cha, Ph.D.
Honorary Associate Research Professor
Counseling & Clinical Psychology Department
Teachers College, Columbia University
Curriculum Vitae
As of September 1st, 2024, Dr. Cha holds a primary appointment as Associate Professor at Yale School of Medicine (Center for Brain and Mind Health; Child Study Center) and maintains her faculty affiliation with TC as Honorary Associate Research Professor. As of Fall 2024, Dr. Cha is no longer accepting doctoral students at Teachers College.
LAB Manager
Olivia Lawrence
B.A., New York University
M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University
Olivia is a study coordinator and lab manager. She is interested in researching the cognitive, affective, and behavioral processes involved in the development and maintenance of internalizing disorders and leveraging this knowledge to inform targeted, scalable interventions.
Study Coordinator
Layne Novotny
B.A., University of California, Davis
M.A. Teachers College, Columbia University
Layne is a research coordinator for the Tracking Internal Observations (TRIO) project. She is interested in researching risk factors for suicidal thoughts and behaviors in adolescents and creating preventive interventions.
Ilana Gratch
B.A., Middlebury College
M.S., Teachers College, Columbia University
Ilana is a sixth-year clinical psychology doctoral student, currently on internship at Weill Cornell Medicine/NewYork-Presbyterian. Her research is focused on the characterization of nonverbal behaviors exhibited during suicide assessments using machine learning-based approaches.
Angela “Page” Spears
B.S., New York University
Page is a fifth-year clinical psychology doctoral student. Her research interests include adolescent disclosure of suicidal thoughts and behaviors to informal sources.
Nathan Lowry
B.A., Iona College
Nathan is a third-year clinical psychology doctoral student. His research interests include studying novel ways of detecting and assessing youth suicide risk, particularly among pre-teen populations.
Rachel Nam
A.B., Princeton University
M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University
Rachel is a second-year clinical psychology doctoral student. Her research is focused on how adolescents' thoughts and feelings about the future may be associated with their suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
research assistants
Bee Lee, B.A.
Huixin Deng, B.A.
Talia Kunin
Zachary Rogers, B.A.
Anne Celini Maines, B.S.
Vritika Shamara, B.S.
Jordyn Nimmer, B.A.
Kayla Koroma, B.S.
Angela Lin, B.S.
Andrew Wei, B.A.
Alyssa Murdoch, B.S.
Erica Garagiola, B.A.
Alex Grattery, B.A.
Maria Hands-Ruz, M.A.
Sophia Guo, M.A.
Francesca De Geronimo, M.A.
Stuti Munjal, M.A.
Simon Li, M.A.
Bailie Schock, B.S.
Rafaella Zanatti, B.S.
Yutong (Tina) Zhu, B.S.
Floortje Justens, B.S.
Marianne Bassing, B.A.
Yukti Bhatt, B.A.
Lab Alumni
Former Postdoctoral Fellows
Ki Eun (Kay) Shin, Ph.D.
Pauline Goger, Ph.D.
Former Doctoral Students
Katherine Tezanos, Ph.D.
Eleonora Guzmán, Ph.D.
Kelly Wilson, M.A.
Former Lab Managers
Rachel Nam, M.A.
Neha Parvez, M.A.
Kerri-Anne Bell, M.A.
Olivia Pollak, B.S.
Katherine DiVasto, B.A.
Former Research Assistants
Danielle Llaneza, M.A.
Haley Marber, B.A.
David Alejandro Lopez Molina, M.A.
Michael Osorio, B.A.
Olivia Peros, M.A.
Amber Petrozziello, B.A.
Hamidah Abdul Rahman, M.A.
Danielle Richardson, M.A.
Dayanara Rosado, B.S.
Charlotte Ruhl
Chloe Sherrill, M.A.
Liliana Varman, B.A.
Elizabeth Shea Ver Hoeve, M.A.
Xinyi Shen, B.E.
Charlotte Silk
Saige Stortz, M.A.
Priyata Thapa, M.A.
Gabrielle Tolchin, M.A.
Guanyu Wang, M.A.
Courtney Windram, M.A.
Nan Xu, B.A.
Supriya Kumble, B.A.
Shivangi Sharma, B.S.
Hannah Knott, M.A.
Sarah Kelly, M.A.
Claire Fishman, B.A.
May Yuan, M.A.
Irene Zhang, M.A.
Kayla Defazio, M.A.
Laura Alba, M.A.
Natasha Basu, M.A.
Yoochai Cha, M.A.
Emily Chassman, M.A.
Anna Chen, M.A.
Kay Colon-Motas, B.A.
Danielle Crabtree, B.A.
Catherine Crumb, M.A.
Renata de Assis, M.A.
Kathleen Dillon, B.S.
Theresa Ebo, M.A.
Jannatun Ferdowsi, B.A.
Alana Jorgensen, M.A.
Raksha Kandlur, M.A.
Maria Kireeva, M.A.
Sowmya Kshtriya, M.A.
Jennifer Lee, M.A.
Michael Pellicane, M.A
Ana Nunez, B.A.
Beryl Torthe, B.A.
Seoho Hahm, M.A.
Dorin Levy, B.F.A.
Danyang (Yang) Li
Christina McNeur Kiernan, M.A.
Subhashini Madhavan, M.A.
Anita (Olivia) Rich, M.A.
Treva Kennedy, B.A.
Taylor Walls, M.A.
Vidal Yook, M.A.
Gabriella Epshteyn, B.A.
Daniella Ekstein, M.A.
Emily O’Connor, M.A.
Patience Ojionuka, B.A.
Shayne Snider, M.A.
Juno Pinder, M.A.
Christina Koshy, B.S.
Tanaya Jain, M.A.
Gabrielle Gravely, M.A.
Melanie Rosen, M.A.
Gabriella Hamlett, M.A.
Sanjana Dugad, M.A.
Emma Sbarge, M.A.
Shou-En (Grace) Chen, M.A.
Sreelakshmi Pushpanadh, M.A.
Eliza Rader, B.A.
Brianna Meddaoui, M.A.
Kseniya Katsman, M.A.
Naila Sherwani, M.A.
Anika Sigel, B.A.
Woang Kee (John) Chai, M.A.
Zachary Weiss, B.A.
Carolina Lacs
Lindsay Abrahams, M.A.
Erez Topaz, M.A.
Sara Fernandes, M.A.
Zareen Mir, M.A.
Emily Mueller, M.A.
Justin Yin, M.A.
Serena Muniz, M.A.
Shenyun Chen, M.A.
Sarah Sullivan, M.S.
Dina Al Ghabra, M.A.
Jennifer Koide, M.A.
Ji Yoon Park, M.A.
Lilit DerKevorkian, B.S.
Mike LeDuc, M.A.
Morgan Morrison, B.S.
Chana Fisch
Canfer Akbulut
Jayanth Mammen
Curreen Luongo, M.A.
Emily Hubbard, M.A.
Tanya Mehdizadeh, M.A.
Jamie Kim, M.A.
Hye Won Cho, B.A.
Palak Agrawal, M.S.
Kejuan Lin, M.A.
Tess Osborne, B.A.
Neiva Teka, B.S.
Hannah Huang, B.S.
Sloane Miller, B.A.
Drishti Sanghvi, B.A.
Renjie Zhang, B.A.
Rachel Velasquez, M.A.
Caroline Lovett, M.A.
Meredith King, B.A., M.S.B.A.
Maura Beaton, M.S., M.A.
Danielle Reyes, M.A.
Claudia Rodriguez, M.A.
Fangfei Fe, B.A.
Jen Perez, B.A.
Angelique Simeone, B.A.
Nubia Celis-Etienne, B.A
Elijah Velasquez, M.A.
Yifang Zhao, M.A.
Noran Alqahtani, M.A.
Byoungwook David Park, M.A.
Karen Welder, M.A.
Veronika Kobrinsky, M.A.
Caroline Burke, M.A.
Alea Watson, B.A.
Hannah Ades, M.A.
Erin Wheeler, B.A.
Soobin Jo, B.S.
Wenbo Zhang, B.A.
Elise Fry, M.A.
LCDS, Fall 2023 - Spring 2024
Top Rows (Left to right): Layne, Sophia, Rachel, Olivia L., Ilana, Yutong, Nathan; Second row (Left to right): Hannah, Huixin, Karen, David, Christine, Pauline, Flo, June, Yukti, Veronika, Simon, Yancy, Bailie; Bottom row (Left to right): Elijah, Stuti, Maria, Marianne, Rafaella, Francesca. Not pictured: Page, Elise, Soobin, Bee, Noran
May 7th, 2024. Photo credit: Byoungwook (David) Park
LCDS, Fall 2022 - Spring 2023
Front Row (Left to Right)-Byoungwook, Sophia, Christine, Hannah, Alea; Second Row-Karen, Neiva, Rachel V., Layne, Maria, Page; Third Row-Jen, Veronika, Drishti, Stuti, Ilana, Nathan; Fourth Row-Caroline L., Caroline B., Yifang, Fangfei, Soobin, Simon; Fifth Row-Alex, Tess, Angelique, Rachel N., Erin (Missing: Olivia L., Julia, Francesca, Noran, Elise, Wenbo).
May 2, 2023. Photo credit: Byoungwook David Park
LCDS, Fall 2021 - Spring 2022
Remote Lab Meeting. Top Row (Left to Right) - Neha, Christine, Rachel N., Tess, Maura; Second Row - Drishti, Caroline L., Renjie, Juno, Kejuan; Third Row - Daniella, Veronika, Emily O., Shayne, Julia; Fourth Row - Rachel V., Shivangi, Alex, Angelique, Claudia; Fifth Row - Karen, Danielle, Christina, Hannah H., Layne; Sixth Row - Page, Neiva, Hye Won, Ilana. (Missing: Kelly, Katherine, Jamie, Patience, Curreen, Supriya, Hannah K., Sarah, Emily H., Caroline B., Sloane)
May 2, 2022. Photo Credit: Christine Cha, Zoom
LCDS, Fall 2020 - Spring 2021
Remote Lab Meeting. Top Row (Left to Right)-Sarah S., Christine, Emily H., Daniella, Kerri ; Second Row-Curreen, Neha, Ilana, Karen, Page; Third Row- Zareen, Emily O., Maura, Dina, Jamie; Fourth Row-Mike, Shayne, Jayanth, Hannah, Angelique; Fifth Row-Danielle, Morgan, Kelly, Lilit, Sarah K.; Sixth Row-Jen, Serena, Rachel, Juno, Shivangi; Seventh Row-Shenyun, Sara, Patience. (Missing: Kay, Eleo, Katherine, Ji Yoon, Canfer, Justin, Tanya, Emily M., Supriya, Claudia, Chana)
April 19, 2021. Photo Credit: Christine Cha & Morgan Morrison, Zoom
LCDS, Fall 2019- Spring 2020
Remote Lab Meeting. Top Row (Left to Right)- Katherine, Christine, Emma, Kseniya, Brianna ; Second Row- Kerri, Eliza, Ilana, Anika, Lilit; Third Row- Zareen, Kelly, Serena, John, Eleonora; Fourth Row- Naila, Olivia, Sanjana, Melanie, Tanya; Fifth Row- Carolina, Sara, Rachel, Emily, Jennifer; Sixth Row- Neha, Sreelakshmi, Karen, Grace, Gabriella, Lindsay. (Missing: Erez, Ji Yoon, Canfer, Justin, Claire, Zachary)
May 4, 2020. Photo Credit: Brianna Meddaoui, Zoom
LCDS, Fall 2018 - Spring 2019
Front Row (Left to Right)-David, Sara, Emma, Christine, Brianna, Gabi H.; Second Row-Olivia P., Ilana, Treva, Melanie, Anika, Lindsay; Fourth Row-Michael, Seoho, Grace, Kerri (Missing: Ana, Beryl, Danielle, Emily, Eleonora, Gabby G., Heeyewon, John, Katherine, Kathleen, Kelly, Olivia R., Renata, Taylor).
May 6, 2019. Photo credit: Dustin Saldarriaga
LCDS, Fall 2017 - Spring 2018
Front Row (Left to Right)-Sara, Subbi, Irene, Christine, David, Ilana, Olivia P.; Second Row-Saige, Olivia R., Danielle L., Katherine T., Amber, Kerri, John; Third-ish Row-Courtney, Charlotte, Danielle R., Michael P., Guanyu; Back Row-Ana, Treva, Kate D., Liliana, May, Vidal, Kelly, Mike O. (Missing: Anna, Catherine, Christina, Dorin, Eleonora, Heeyewon, Gabby, Kayla, Natasha, Raksha, Seoho, Taylor, Yoochai).
April 30, 2018. Photo credit: Dustin Saldarriaga
LCDS, Fall 2016 - Spring 2017
Front Row (Left to Right)-Michael, Christina, John, Christine, Gabrielle, Vidal; Second Row-Laura, Theresa, Jennifer, Danielle, Catherine, Courtney; Third Row-Kayla, Liliana, Raksha, May, Yoochai, Anna; Back Row-Eleonora, Kelly, Nan, Katherine D., Katherine T., Saige (Missing: Alana, Charlotte, Dayanara, Natasha, Sowmya).
May 1, 2017. Photo credit: Dustin Saldarriaga
LCDS, Fall 2015 - Spring 2016
From Left to Right-Hamidah, Laura, Theresa, Christine, Katherine, Olivia, Priyata, Kayla, Elizabeth (Missing: Eleonora, Kelly, Alana, Jann).
May 9, 2016. Photo credit: Dustin Saldarriaga